ETHHelper Types


class ethhelper.types.IntStr(value: str | int | IntStr)

A class that represents an integer value that can be initialized from a string or another IntStr instance.

This class is designed to work with the orjson library, and provides a way to represent integer values that may be too large to be encoded using 64 bits.

By using an IntStr instance to represent such values, you can ensure that the integers are passed around as Python integers but still allow them to be encoded as strings if necessary.

The value is the value to be initialized. If a string is provided, it will be converted to an integer.

value: int

An integer value.

to_int_or_str() int | str

Returns the integer value as a string if it has 64 or more bits, otherwise it returns the integer value itself.


The integer value as a string if it has 64 or more bits, otherwise the integer value itself.

classmethod validate(value: Any) Any

Validates and returns the value as an IntStr instance.


value – The value to be validated and returned.


An IntStr instance that represents the validated value.


TypeError – If the value is not an IntStr, int, or str.

class ethhelper.types.HexBytes(value: str | bytes | HexBytes)

A class that represents a byte string that can be initialized from a string, bytes, hexbytes.HexBytes instance or another HexBytes instance.

classmethod validate(value: Any) Any

Validates and converts a value to a HexBytes instance.


value – The value to be validated and converted.


A HexBytes instance representing the input value.


TypeError – If the input value is not a HexBytes, bytes, or string starting with “0x”.

class ethhelper.types.Hash32(value: str | bytes | HexBytes)

A subclass of HexBytes that represents a 32-byte hash value.

to_web3() Hash32

Returns an eth_typing.Hash32 instance that represents the hash value.


An eth_typing.Hash32 instance that represents the hash value.

class ethhelper.types.Address(value: str | bytes | HexBytes)

A subclass of HexBytes that represents an Ethereum address (20 bytes).

to_web3() Address

Returns a eth_typing.Address instance that represents the address.


A eth_typing.Address instance that represents the address.


alias of Union[Literal[‘latest’, ‘earliest’, ‘pending’, ‘safe’, ‘finalized’], BlockNumber, Hash32]

class ethhelper.types.Gas

A new type that represents a gas value (an integer).

alias of int

class ethhelper.types.Wei(value: str | int | IntStr)

A subclass of IntStr that represents a value in wei (the smallest unit of ether in Ethereum).

to_web3() Wei

Returns a web3.types.Wei instance that represents the value in wei.


A web3.types.Wei instance that represents the value in wei.

classmethod from_gwei(value: int) Wei

Class method that converts a value in gigawei to wei.


value – An integer value in gigawei.


A Wei instance that represents the converted value in wei.

classmethod from_eth(value: int | float | Decimal) Wei

Class method that converts a value in ether to wei.


value – A value in ether.


A Wei instance that represents the converted value in wei.

Return type:



class ethhelper.types.AccessEntry(*, address: Address, storageKeys: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32])

An entry representing an address with associated storage keys in an access list.

address: Address

The address of the entry.

storage_keys: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32]

The storage keys associated with the entry.

class ethhelper.types.AccessList

A new type representing a sequence of AccessEntry instances.

alias of Sequence[AccessEntry]

class ethhelper.types.SyncStatus(*, currentBlock: int, highestBlock: int, startingBlock: int)

The current synchronization status of the Ethereum node.

current_block: int

The current block number.

highest_block: int

The highest block number seen.

starting_block: int

The block number at which the node started syncing.

class ethhelper.types.FeeHistory(*, baseFeePerGas: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Wei], gasUsedRatio: list[float], oldestBlock: BlockNumber, reward: list[list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Wei]] | None = None)

A record of base fees and gas usage ratios.

base_fee_per_gas: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Wei]

A list of base fees per gas for each block in the history.

gas_used_ratio: list[float]

A list of gas used ratios for each block in the history.

oldest_block: BlockNumber

The block number of the oldest block in the history.

reward: list[list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Wei]] | None

A nested list of miner rewards for each block in the history, or None if rewards are not available.

class ethhelper.types.TxParams(*, chainId: int | None = None, data: HexBytes | None = None, from_: Address | ENS | None = None, gas: Gas | None = None, gasPrice: Wei | None = None, maxFeePerGas: Wei | None = None, maxPriorityFeePerGas: Wei | None = None, nonce: Nonce | None = None, to: Address | ENS, type: int | None = None, value: Wei | None = None)

Represents a set of parameters required for creating a transaction.

chain_id: int | None

The chain ID for the transaction.

data: HexBytes | None

The data payload of the transaction.

from_: Address | ENS | None

The sender’s address or ENS name.

gas: Gas | None

The maximum amount of gas to use for the transaction.

gas_price: Wei | None

The price of gas for the transaction. (Legacy pricing)

max_fee_per_gas: Wei | None

The maximum fee per gas for the transaction. (Dynamic fee pricing)

max_priority_fee_per_gas: Wei | None

The maximum priority fee per gas for the transaction. (Dynamic fee pricing)

nonce: Nonce | None

A unique number used to prevent replay attacks.

to: Address | ENS

The recipient’s address or ENS name.

type: int | None

The transaction type, if the chain supports EIP-2718.

value: Wei | None

The amount of Ether to send along with the transaction.

to_web3() TxParams

Convert the transaction parameters to web3.types.TxParams format.


A dictionary representing the transaction parameters in web3.types.TxParams format.

class ethhelper.types.Transaction(*, chainId: int = 1, blockHash: Hash32 | None = None, blockNumber: BlockNumber | None = None, transactionIndex: int | None = None, hash: Hash32, from_: Address, to: Address | None = None, gas: Gas, gasPrice: Wei, maxFeePerGas: Wei | None = None, maxPriorityFeePerGas: Wei | None = None, input: HexBytes, value: Wei, nonce: Nonce, type: int, accessList: AccessList | None = None, r: HexBytes, s: HexBytes, v: int)

A class representing an Ethereum transaction.

chain_id: int

The chain ID for the transaction.

block_hash: Hash32 | None

The hash of the block containing the transaction.

block_number: BlockNumber | None

The block number containing the transaction.

transaction_index: int | None

The transaction index within the block.

hash: Hash32

The hash of the transaction.

from_: Address

The address of the sender of the transaction.

to: Address | None

The address of the recipient of the transaction (if applicable).

gas: Gas

The gas limit for the transaction.

gas_price: Wei

The gas price for the transaction.

max_fee_per_gas: Wei | None

The maximum fee per gas for the transaction (if applicable).

max_priority_fee_per_gas: Wei | None

The maximum priority fee per gas for the transaction (if applicable).

input: HexBytes

The input data for the transaction.

value: Wei

The value of the transaction in Wei.

nonce: Nonce

The nonce of the transaction.

type: int

The type of the transaction (0 for legacy, 1 for EIP-2930, 2 for EIP-1559).

access_list: AccessList | None

The access list for the transaction (if applicable).

r: HexBytes

The r value of the transaction signature.

s: HexBytes

The s value of the transaction signature.

v: int

The v value of the transaction signature.

class ethhelper.types.Block(*, difficulty: IntStr, extraData: HexBytes, gasLimit: Gas, gasUsed: Gas, baseFeePerGas: Wei | None = None, logsBloom: HexBytes, miner: Address, nonce: HexBytes, number: BlockNumber, parentHash: Hash32, hash: Hash32, mixHash: Hash32, receiptsRoot: HexBytes, sha3Uncles: HexBytes, stateRoot: HexBytes, timestamp: int, transactionsRoot: HexBytes, size: int | None = None, totalDifficulty: IntStr | None = None, transactions: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32] | list[ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction] | None = None, uncles: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32] | None = None)
difficulty: IntStr

The difficulty (in hashes) of mining this block. After the Merge (15537394), this value will be always 0.

extra_data: HexBytes

Additional data provided by the miner. After the Merge (15537394), this value will be always empty bytes.

gas_limit: Gas

The maximum amount of gas that was available to transactions in this block.

gas_used: Gas

The amount of gas that was used to execute transactions in this block.

base_fee_per_gas: Wei | None

The fee per unit of gas burned by the protocol in this block. Before EIP-1559 (12965000), this value was always None.

logs_bloom: HexBytes

A bloom filter that can be used to check if a block may contain log entries matching a filter.

miner: Address

The address (20 bytes) of the account that mined this block.

nonce: HexBytes

The block nonce, a sequence (8 bytes) determined by the miner.

number: BlockNumber

The number of this block, starting at 0 for the genesis block.

parent_hash: Hash32

The hash (32 bytes) of the parent block of this block.

hash: Hash32

The hash (32 bytes) of this block.

mix_hash: Hash32

The hash (32 bytes) that was used as an input to the PoW process. After the Merge (15537394), this value will be the beacon chain’s RANDAO value.

receipts_root: HexBytes

The keccak256 hash (32 bytes) of the trie of transaction receipts in this block.

sha3_uncles: HexBytes

The keccak256 hash (32 bytes) of all the ommers (AKA uncles) associated with this block.

state_root: HexBytes

The keccak256 hash (32 bytes) of the state trie after this block was processed.

timestamp: int

The unix timestamp at which this block was mined.

transactions_root: HexBytes

The keccak256 hash (32 bytes) of the root of the trie of transactions in this block.

size: int | None

The block size in bytes

total_difficulty: IntStr | None

The sum of all difficulty values up to and including this block. After the Merge (15537394), this value is always 58750003716598352816469.

transactions: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32] | list[ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction] | None

A list of the hash (32 bytes) of transactions associated with this block.

uncles: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32] | None

A list of hash of the uncle blocks of this block. After the Merge (15537394), this value will be always None.

class ethhelper.types.Log(*, blockNumber: BlockNumber, blockHash: Hash32, logIndex: int, address: Address, topics: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32], data: HexBytes, transactionHash: Hash32, transactionIndex: int, removed: bool)

A published Ethereum event log.

block_number: BlockNumber

The number of the block in which the log was generated.

block_hash: Hash32

The hash of the block in which the log was generated.

log_index: int

The index of this log in the block.

address: Address

The address of the contract that generated this log.

topics: list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Hash32]

A list of up to 4 32-byte indexed topics for the log.

data: HexBytes

The unindexed data for this log.

transaction_hash: Hash32

The hash (32 bytes) of the transaction that generated this log.

transaction_index: int

The index of the transaction in the block.

removed: bool

Whether or not the log was removed from the blockchain.

class ethhelper.types.Receipt(*, blockNumber: BlockNumber, blockHash: Hash32, contractAddress: Address | None = None, cumulativeGasUsed: Gas, effectiveGasPrice: Wei, from_: Address, gasUsed: Gas, logs: list[ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Log], logsBloom: HexBytes, status: int, to: Address, transactionHash: Hash32, transactionIndex: int, type: int)

A transaction receipt.

block_number: BlockNumber

The number of the block this receipt is associated with.

block_hash: Hash32

The hash of the block this receipt is associated with.

contract_address: Address | None

The address of the contract created by this transaction if it is a contract creation transaction, otherwise None.

cumulative_gas_used: Gas

The total amount of gas used in the block up to and including this transaction.

effective_gas_price: Wei

The amount of ETH paid per unit of gas in the transaction, including the amount that is burned by EIP-1559.

from_: Address

The address of the account that sent this transaction.

gas_used: Gas

The amount of gas used by this transaction.

logs: list[ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Log]

The logs emitted by this transaction.

logs_bloom: HexBytes

A bloom filter of the logs emitted by this transaction.

status: int

The status code of this transaction, where 0 represents success and non-zero represents failure.

to: Address

The address of the account or contract that received this transaction.

transaction_hash: Hash32

The hash of the transaction that generated this receipt.

transaction_index: int

The index of this transaction in the block.

type: int

The type of this transaction, where 0 represents a legacy transaction, 1 represents an EIP-2930 transaction, and 2 represents an EIP-1559 transaction.

class ethhelper.types.FilterParams(*, address: Address | list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Address] | None = None, blockHash: Hash32 | None = None, fromBlock: Literal['latest', 'earliest', 'pending', 'safe', 'finalized'] | BlockNumber | Hash32 | None = None, toBlock: Literal['latest', 'earliest', 'pending', 'safe', 'finalized'] | BlockNumber | Hash32 | None = None, topics: Sequence[Hash32 | Sequence[Hash32]] | None = None)

Parameters used for creating Ethereum filters.

address: Address | list[ethhelper.datatypes.base.Address] | None

An Ethereum address or list of addresses to filter on. If None, all addresses are filtered.

block_hash: Hash32 | None

A block hash (32 bytes) to filter on. If None, all blocks are filtered.

from_block: Literal['latest', 'earliest', 'pending', 'safe', 'finalized'] | BlockNumber | Hash32 | None

The starting block for filtering. If None, the filter will start from the earliest block.

to_block: Literal['latest', 'earliest', 'pending', 'safe', 'finalized'] | BlockNumber | Hash32 | None

The ending block for filtering. If None, the filter will end at the latest block.

topics: Sequence[Hash32 | Sequence[Hash32]] | None

A list of topics (32 bytes) to filter on. Each topic can be a single value or a list of values. If None, all topics are filtered.

to_web3() FilterParams

Converts the FilterParams object to a web3.types.FilterParams object.


class ethhelper.types.IdNotMatch

An exception raised when a JSON-RPC response ID doesn’t match the request ID.

class ethhelper.types.GethIsDead

An exception raised when the Geth client is not running.

class ethhelper.types.NoSubscribeToken

An exception raised when attempting to subscribe to an Ethereum event without a subscription token.

class ethhelper.types.GethRequest(*, jsonrpc: str = '2.0', id: int | None = None, method: str, params: list[Any])

A class representing a JSON-RPC request to the Geth client.

jsonrpc: str

The version of the JSON-RPC protocol.

id: int | None

The ID of the request, or None if it is a notification.

method: str

The name of the RPC method to call.

params: list[Any]

A list of parameters to pass to the RPC method.

class ethhelper.types.GethSuccessResponse(*, jsonrpc: str = '2.0', id: int | None = None, result: Any = None)

A class representing a successful JSON-RPC response from the Geth client.

jsonrpc: str

The version of the JSON-RPC protocol.

id: int | None

The ID of the response, or None if it is a notification.

result: Any

The result of the RPC method call.

class ethhelper.types.GethErrorDetail(*, jsonrpc: str = '2.0', code: int, message: str)

A class representing the error details in a JSON-RPC error response from the Geth client.

jsonrpc: str

The version of the JSON-RPC protocol.

code: int

The error code.

message: str

A description of the error.

class ethhelper.types.GethError(error: GethErrorDetail | list[ethhelper.datatypes.geth.GethErrorDetail])

An exception representing an error response from the Geth client.


The error code.


A description of the error.

class ethhelper.types.GethGraphQLError(msgs: list[str], data: dict[str, Any])

An exception representing an error response from the Geth graphql.


The error messages.


The data received.

class ethhelper.types.GethErrorResponse(*, jsonrpc: str = '2.0', id: int | None = None, error: GethErrorDetail)

A class representing an error response from the Geth client.

jsonrpc: str

The version of the JSON-RPC protocol.

id: int | None

The ID of the response, or None if it is a notification.

error: GethErrorDetail

The details of the error.


alias of GethSuccessResponse | GethErrorResponse

class ethhelper.types.GethWSItem(*, subscription: str, result: Any = None)

A class representing an item in a WebSocket response from the Geth client.

subscription: str

The subscription ID.

result: Any

The result of the subscription.

class ethhelper.types.GethWSResponse(*, jsonrpc: str = '2.0', method: str, params: GethWSItem)

A class representing a WebSocket response from the Geth client.

jsonrpc: str

The version of the JSON-RPC protocol.

method: str

The name of the WebSocket method.

params: GethWSItem

The item contained in the response.

class ethhelper.types.CallOverrideParams(*, balance: Wei | None = None, nonce: Nonce | None = None, code: HexBytes | None = None, state: dict[str, Any] | None = None, stateDiff: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[str, Any]] | None = None)

A class representing override parameters for a contract function call.

balance: Wei | None

The balance of the caller.

nonce: Nonce | None

The nonce of the caller.

code: HexBytes | None

The code of the contract.

state: dict[str, Any] | None

The current state of the contract.

state_diff: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[str, Any]] | None

The difference in the contract state.

to_web3() CallOverrideParams

Converts the CallOverrideParams instance to an instance of web3.types.CallOverrideParams.


The converted web3.types.CallOverrideParams instance.


alias of dict[ChecksumAddress, CallOverrideParams]


class ethhelper.types.TxpoolStatus(*, pending: int, queued: int)

A class that represents the status of transactions in the Ethereum transaction pool.

pending: int

The number of pending transactions in the pool.

queued: int

The number of queued transactions in the pool.

class ethhelper.types.TxpoolSnapshot(*, contract_creation: bool = False, to_address: Address, fee: Wei, gas: Gas, gas_fee: Wei)

A class that represents a snapshot of the Ethereum transaction pool.

contract_creation: bool

Whether the transaction is a contract creation. Defaults to False.

to_address: Address

The address of the recipient of the transaction.

fee: Wei

The transaction fee in wei.

gas: Gas

The amount of gas used by the transaction.

gas_fee: Wei

The gas fee for the transaction in wei.

classmethod validate(value: Any) TxpoolSnapshot

Validates the given value and creates a new instance of the TxpoolSnapshot class.


value – The value to be validated and converted.


The converted TxpoolSnapshot instance.

class ethhelper.types.TxpoolInspect(*, pending: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.txpool.TxpoolSnapshot]], queued: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.txpool.TxpoolSnapshot]])

A class that represents the contents of the Ethereum transaction pool.

pending: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.txpool.TxpoolSnapshot]]

A dictionary that maps from account address to nonce to snapshot of the corresponding transaction in the pending pool.

queued: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.txpool.TxpoolSnapshot]]

A dictionary that maps from account address to nonce to snapshot of the corresponding transaction in the queued pool.

class ethhelper.types.TxpoolContent(*, pending: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction]], queued: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction]])

A class representing the content of the transaction pool on a node.

pending: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction]]

A dictionary containing information about all pending transactions in the pool.

The keys are the transaction sender’s address and the values are another dictionary, where the keys are the nonces of the transactions and the values are the corresponding transactions.

queued: dict[eth_typing.evm.ChecksumAddress, dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction]]

A dictionary containing information about all queued transactions in the pool.

The keys are the transaction sender’s address and the values are another dictionary, where the keys are the nonces of the transactions and the values are the corresponding transactions.

class ethhelper.types.TxpoolContentFrom(*, pending: dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction], queued: dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction])

A class that represents the transactions in the transaction pool (txpool) from a specific address.

pending: dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction]

A dictionary of pending transactions from the specified address. The dictionary is indexed by the nonce of each transaction.

queued: dict[web3.types.Nonce, ethhelper.datatypes.eth.Transaction]

A dictionary of queued transactions from the specified address. The dictionary is indexed by the nonce of each transaction.