

All code starting with a $ is meant to run on your terminal. All code starting with a >>> is meant to run in a python interpreter, like ipython.


ETHHelper can be installed using pip as follows:

$ pip install ethhelper

Also, you can install with poetry as follows:

$ poetry add git+ssh://git@github.com:XiaoHuiHui233/ETHHelper.git

Using ETHHelper

Geth HTTP Connector

Geth HTTP Connector is an encapsulation of all HTTP interfaces based on Ethereum clients supported by this repo. You need to provide this connector with a link to the Geth node’s HTTP service. Of course, links to third-party node services such as Infura are also acceptable, but some interfaces may not be supported.

>>> from ethhelper import GethHttpConnector
>>> connector = GethHttpConnector("http://localhost:8545/")
>>> await connector.test_connection()


All interfaces in this repo rely on the asynchronous environment, so the asyncio environment is required when using the REPL for interactive coding. This can be done by running python -m asyncio directly on the command line or shell (instead of python).

For the HTTP interfaces of the node supported by Geth HTTP Connector, see GethHttpConnector in the API docs.

Geth New Block Subscriber

Geth New Block Subscriber is an encapsulation of the websocket interface of Geth nodes. It provides basic new block subscription capabilities. Whenever the node finds that a new block is generated on the chain, it will get the data of this block and call the callback function. It also supports the use of third-party node services such as Infura. It’s an abstract class, users need to inherit this class and implement the callback function on_block() to use it normally.

You can see an example of this feature here.